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Product Registration
SDR+ Pro
SDR+ Pro (Previously Known as SDR+) |
Effective from September 2008, SDR+ has been renamed to SDR+ Pro. |
SDR+ Pro offers a powerful RTK filtering technique for quality assurance, a fully customizable tool bar for increased productivity, and the industry's only fully "live" database and editing facility. |
Windows Mobile Version 10.1.1 |
Released Mar 2010 |
Plan View Readings |
Raw Data Logging during RTK surveys |
Ability to store autonomous and DGPS positions |
Integrated Bluetooth Discovery (Windows Mobile Edition only) |
Real time Quality Assurance in Job Reveiw |
Iconic Menu Panels |
MTS Remote Control |
Motorized Improvements |
- Motorized F1 / F2 |
- Return to F1 after Set Collection |
New Geoids, Coordinate Systems and Datums |
- Finland 2005 Geoid |
- NGS Geoid 2009 |
- Romania & Bucharest Coordinate Systems |
- SIRGAS2000 Datum (Brazil) |
Workflow Enhancements |
- Improved Resection to Topography orientation workflow |
- Traverse option in all COGO Radiation |
- 'More' option in all COGO routines |
- Remember last used values in Topography offsets |
- Auto populate IDs in COGO routines |
- GNSS Status enhancements |
- Guidance buttons in Survey modules (Read, Stake, etc) |
- Ability to set Rover antenna information to file in Stop and Go S/K |
Notes for Previous Releases: |
Database conversion of jobs created in releases prior to SDR+ 9.2.1 is no longer supported in SDR+ 10.1.1. These jobs must be opned in SDR+ 9.2.1, 9.2.2 or SDR+ 9.2.3 before they may be used in SDR+ 10.1.1 and onward. |
When converting databases, it is recommended that all jobs be backed up before opening in SDR+ 9.2.1, 9.2.2 or SDR+ 9.2.3. All existing jobs and coordinate system databases will be converted to the new database format when opened. Jobs will be recomputed after conversion. The orginal database files will be removed after conversion. |
SDR+ S/K |
SOKKIA's SDR+ S/K data ollection software provides a perfect complement for SOKKIA's GSR1700 CSX L1 GNSS receiver and maximizes efficiency and accuracy for the static and kinematic surveys |
Version 9.2.3 |
Released Mar 2010 |
Support for Windows Mobile 6.1 devices |
SBAS Improvements |
Ability to set Rover antenna information to file in STop and Go S/K |
New Geoids, Coordinate Systems and Datums |
- Finland 2005 Geoids |
- NGS Geoid 2009 |
- Romania & Bucharest Coordinate Systems |
- SIRGAS2000 Datum (Brazil) |
Notes for Previous Releases: |
The database used for previous versions of SDR+ S/K Edition has been replaced in SDR+ S/K Edition V9.2.1. All existing SDR+ S/K Edition jobs from previous releases will not be supported in V9.2.3. Existing coordinate system databases will not be supported in V9.2.3 and any existing coordinate system database tables will be deleted when the application is opened. |
Installed instrument definitions and profiles have been updated in SDR+ S/K Edition V9.2.1. Instrument profiles from previous releases will no longer be supported in V9.2.3. |
For more information, contact the distributor near you. |